Room Tenants Housing Cost Allowance


As a room tenant you may send in an on-line application for a Room Tenants Housing Cost Allowance (Tegemoetkoming Woonlasten Kamerverhuur; TWK) between 1 October and 31 December 2023.


Are you a room tenant and do you share facilities like a bathroom, toilet or kitchen with other residents? And are municipal taxes (waste collection and sewerage charges) included in the rent or service charges you pay? Then you can apply for the Room Tenants Housing Cost Allowance (TWK).


The maximum allowance is € 170.

Applications over 2022

The application term for the 2022 Room Tenants Housing Cost Allowance (TWK) expired on 1 January 2023. So applications for an allowance over 2022 are now dismissed.


You must comply with the following conditions for 2023:

  • In 2023 you rented a dependent housing unit in the municipality of Delft during the entire year. It concerns a house in which you share facilities like a kitchen, toilet and shower with other tenants.
  • You have a minimum income and limited assets.
  • You may apply for an allowance only for costs on-charged to you.
  • Your rent also includes municipal waste collection and sewerage charges (Rioolafvoerrecht en Afvalstoffenheffing).
  • The municipal charges relate to the current year.
  • You can prove that the municipal charges are included in your rent (by way of a specification of rent or tenancy contract).


Your income must not exceed the social minimum (social assistance benefit level; bijstandsnorm). Basis for assessment is your income over January 2023.

Social assistance benefit level (bijstandsnorm) as per 1 January 2023
Social assistance benefit up to 65€ 1,195.66
Social person over 65€ 1,335.67
Single parent up to 65€ 1,195.66
Single parent over 65+€ 1,335.67
Couples, both partners up to 65€ 1,708.08
Couples, one or both partners over 65 € 1,812.20
Couples, both 65+€ 1,817.20


You can calculate your property limit by way of the following formula: the living cost standard amount (social assistance benefit level; bijstandsnorm) + basic rent including service costs eligible for allowance - standard rent + health insurance premium - standard health insurance premium. The determining factor is your property situation as per 1 January 2023.

Call 14015 if you should need more explanation. 


  • The tenancy contract for the house you rented in 2023
  • Specification of your rent or a notice of a rent increase stating the municipal charges included in your rent
  • Bank statement of yourself and/or your partner as proof of the most recent transfer of your rent
  • Annual statement of your bank and saving accounts including balances as per 31 December 2022
  • Your salary slips over January 2023 and/or specification of your DUO student finance over January 2023 (no bank statements)
  • Proof of payment of your health insurance premium over January 2023

If applicable, include the following additional documents:

  • Car registration licence + date of registration in your name
  • Bank statements for shares/options parcels/investments as per 1 January 2023 
  • Evidence of 2023 housing allowance being granted by the tax department (Bewijs van toekenning huurtoeslag 2023)
  • Evidence of 2023 healthcare allowance being granted by the tax department (Bewijs van toekenning zorgtoeslag 2023)