Reporting a change of address


Are you moving house to or within Delft? Report your move to the city up to 4 weeks before the moving date till 5 days after the move. You do not need to deregister in your old municipality. You can report moving house online. Log in with your DigiD or BSN.


Uploading attachments

When completing the online form you will be requested to upload several documents. Depending on your situation, you will need: 

  • A copy of your rental agreement, purchase agreement, housing permit or proof of residence for a permanent health care facility

If you are going to live with someone:

Moving date

You can report a moving date up to 5 days after moving house. If you report your move later, the reporting date is the official date.

Application form

You can also report your move using the application form.

Form Report your move to or within Delft

Relocating to another municipality

Are you moving house from Delft to another municipality? Report your move to your new municipality. You do not need to report it in Delft.

Relocating abroad

If you live abroad for more than 8 months out of the year, you need to report this to the city up to 5 days before departure. 

Are you relocating abroad and people are staying behind at the address you are leaving? Then you need to report your departure in person at the Delft Registration Office (the municipality). Every departing member of the family must be present. Call 14015 to make an appointment.

Report moving house on time

Processing your move takes around 10 workdays starting from the actual moving date. You can apply for city services after that. Do you receive social benefits? Be sure to report your move on time. You cannot apply for benefits until your move has been processed, which could delay the processing of your benefits. 

Relocating to Delft from abroad 

See Relocating to Delft from abroad.

Terms and conditions

  • You must report your move within 5 days.
  • You can report a move if you are 16 years old or older. 

Partner moving house with you?

Are you married or do you have a registered partnership documented by the city? Then you can move your partner if you are moving house from the same address to the new address. Your partner does not need to give permission. Do you live together without being married or in a partnership? In that case both of you should report your move.

Children moving house with you

As a parent you can report your child’s move if he/she is moving to the same address; permission from the other parent is not necessary.


There are no fees.


Why report moving house?

Many municipal and national services can be applied for only if you are registered correctly, such as a passport, identification card, social benefits, parking permit or rent subsidy. And in emergencies it is important for the city to know where you live.