Wedding ceremony in the city hall

Arrival at the city hall

Please report at the city hall 15 minutes before your ceremony. The ushers will be awaiting you at the entrance and they will take you and your company to the wedding room in the city hall. They will also see that guests are properly arranged.

Duration of the ceremony

Conducting a wedding or partnership registration takes up to half an hour. This includes the party’s entering and leaving the wedding room. In your planning, please allow for 3 quarters of an hour including congratulations. This applies to both weekly and weekend arrangements.


After concluding the wedding or partnership ceremony there will be time for congratulations. This happens in a room different than the one in which the wedding ceremony was performed.

Other language

Do you wish for the ceremony to be conducted in another language? If so, please apply to the municipality.

Photos in Het Steen

If you contract a wedding or partnership on Saturdays or Sundays you can take photos in the turret of the city hall (‘Het Steen’) after the ceremony is over.